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Archive for the ‘Knowledge Management’ Category

Outsourcing its IT; Kone is Focusing on its Core Competencies

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KONE is one of the world’s leading elevator and escalator companies. It offers the best people flow experience by developing and delivering solutions that enable people to move smoothly, safely, comfortably and without waiting from one place to another. KONE also provides maintenance services for automatic building doors.

KONE operates some 800 service centers in around 50 countries and delivers approximately 50,000 new elevators and escalators per year. Its service base consists of approximately 650,000 elevators and escalators and more than 270,000 automatic building doors.

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Written by linagani

December 30th, 2010 at 1:59 pm

Military medical informatics: accessing information in the deployed environment

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Physicians use multiple sources of information to search for answers to clinical questions. These sources include textbooks, journals, colleagues, and electronic resources, including the Internet.

To explore what sources are most commonly used by staff military physicians, we distributed a survey asking them to describe sources of medical information they used most frequently while in garrison and while on deployment.

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Written by linagani

December 27th, 2010 at 4:32 pm

Effective Knowledge Management Techniques

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It is difficult to speak of knowledge management and try to place it all in one nutshell. It is for too broad a subject and it includes too many different subject areas to be able to pinpoint it down to just one particular thing. It is a discipline that needs to be incorporated into different businesses and organizations that can help to increase individual responsibilities as well as a guideline for which a company or organization can function better.

Some of the areas where effective knowledge management can be implemented in the workforce include time management: the effective tracking of employee performance, efficiency, project time analysis and other areas where efficient use of time is critical to the performance of the company. Quality management is the implementing of quality checklists, quality control personnel, tracking, and feedback in these areas.

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Written by linagani

December 27th, 2010 at 4:25 pm

Stock Management Handling Quantity, Storage & Transportation of Inventory Stock

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For a company to rise above its competitors, various factors play a vital role. One of the most important factors is the management of stock by the company. If you want your business to flourish then you should have a clear knowledge and understanding of stock management. This is imperative because efficient management of stock indicates the companys position in the current market. Stock management mostly includes handling the quantity, storage and transportation of the inventory stock. The way in which a company manages its stock is a fine example of proper use of the available resources.

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Written by linagani

December 27th, 2010 at 4:21 pm

Knowledge Management At Fuji Hunt

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Knowledge management has become one of the most talked about tools in business. Many companies have realised the value of this business approach. But before applying it to the case study, it is necessary to first clarify the definition of the term. Knowledge management is a business activity that enables companies to incorporate knowledge as a major part of their policies and practices, it also links different parts of a companys intellectual assets. (Nissen, 2006)

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Written by linagani

December 27th, 2010 at 4:02 pm

Knowledge Management Strategy: Beyond Change Management

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Knowledge Management (KM) is a relatively young concept, having been introduced less than 30 years ago. For many business management practitioners, KM is evolving into a proven strategy for their organizational success. But there are still many leaders out there that are struggling to understand the power of KM.

In order to clarify this ongoing struggle, it’s important to define what KM means in today’s business setting. An extremely important question is: What is Knowledge Management and how can it help my organization?

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Written by linagani

December 27th, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Chevron Business Ethics

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How does Chevron maintain the highest ethical standards?
By training our employees to stay grounded in The Chevron Way

Operational Excellence Management System
We seek to develop a culture in which everyone believes that all incidents are preventable and that “zero incidents” is possible. This requires active leadership and all employees to be engaged.

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Written by linagani

December 26th, 2010 at 9:38 am

Tugas Team – FedEx Transformation Through e-business

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Pengumpulan bagian 1 : Minggu 3

1. Background perusahaan (termasuk visi dan misi) dan pembahasan kasus atau dasar cerita secara umum

FedEx Corporation menyediakan transportasi, e-commerce, dan layanan bisnis di Amerika Serikat dan internasional. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1971 dan berkantor pusat di Memphis, Tennessee.
Frederick W. Smith adalah Ketua, Presiden dan CEO dari FedEx Corporation, a $ 38-miliar global transportasi, logistik dan layanan bisnis perusahaan. Lahir pada 1944 di Marks, Miss, dihadiri Yale Universitas Smith, di mana dia yang gelar BA pada tahun 1966. Smith menjabat sebagai pejabat di US Marine Corps 1966-1970.
Smith bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan arah strategis untuk semua FedEx Corporation operasi perusahaan, termasuk Layanan FedEx, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground dan FedEx Freight. FedEx melayani lebih dari 220 negara dan wilayah dengan operasi yang mencakup lebih dari 677 pesawat dan 80.000 kendaraan. Lebih dari 290.000 anggota tim di seluruh dunia menangani lebih dari 8 juta pengiriman setiap hari kerja. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1971 FedEx, Smith telah aktif penyokong dari reformasi regulasi, perdagangan bebas dan “buka langit perjanjian” untuk penerbangan di seluruh dunia.
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Written by linagani

December 26th, 2010 at 8:47 am

Tugas Individu 4

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1. Perbedaan dari 3 Knowledge goal yang ada (Strategic, Operational, Normative);
**Normative Knowledge Goal
: Pembangungan budaya perusahaan yang berbasis knowledge sehingga dapat tercapainya knowledge goal secara strategic dan operasional. Dan membiasakan para pegawai untuk mensharing knowledge, dapat bekerja sama dalam satu team, dan bekerja berdasakan fakta dan data yang jelas.

Normative knowledge lebih cenderung berbicara ke corporate behavior sebuah perusahaan, bukan secara individual. Dimana, normative ini berhubungan dengan knowledge worker itu sendiri. Untuk pencapaian suatu target, maka akan di berikan reward dan untuk suatu pelanggaran maka diberikan punishment, semua itu dilakukan supaya visi dan misi perusahaan berjalan on the track. Keberhasilan dapat dilihat dari seberapa banyak reward yang telah diberikan, sedangkan punishment adalah tolak ukur perusahaan untuk dapat memberikan improvement. Dan punishment disini adalah sanksi yang bersifat dapat di tolerir (salah dalam belajar adalah wajar).

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Written by linagani

December 26th, 2010 at 8:29 am

Tugas Individu 3

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1. Beda Tacit Knowledge dan Explicit Knowledge;
Karakteristik yang menonjol dari Tacit Knowledge adalah, pengetahuan atau kemampuan yang sulit untuk dikomunikasikan dari satu individu ke individu lainnya. Tacit knowledge diperoleh dari pengalaman-pengalaman sehari-hari, kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang ada. Susah dikomunikasikan secara terstruktur seperti explicit knowledge. Namun , tacit knowledge dapat codificate shingga dapat dijadikan explicit knowledge. Dalam prakteknya untuk memindakan tacit knowledge ke dalam explicit knowledge adalah dengan melakukan proses training atau mendapatkan melalui pengalaman yang dimiliki seseorang

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Written by linagani

December 26th, 2010 at 8:12 am